Originally Posted by Rick
Like I said, our blog implementation will be fairly basic at first

Mmmm... I want to "revoke" my vote for blog.

I think a simple blog system doesn't appeal to users any more now , because users are "spoiled" by many OpenSource and fancy blog systems.

WordPress has a lot of plugins to 'play' with. The WordPress ecosystem is much larger than UBBThreads .
UBBThreads should think to leverage the ecosystem to expand site's functionality , not to re-invent the wheel.

I think UBBThreads have many other important features needed to be implemented (UI / WYSIWYG editor / ... ) , all focus on forum . As to features beyond forum ( Blog / Chatroom / Album / other plugins ...) , there are already myriads of mature solutions out there. Since OpenID is a promising technology about identity confirmation , data exchange , UBBThreads should seriously look into it , it will help you reduce a lot of "wheel"

There is a Chinese proverb "Person who complains a merchandise is the one that really buys it". I have many complains about UBBT (especially the slow develop process , advice acceptance) , but I also have supported UBBThreads since WWWThreads.perl ,in fact , I just renewed the license yesterday. I know "Open" is the only key to make a site strong and vital. I hope Rick can think and think again.


English is not my native language. I try my best to express my thought precisely. I hope you understand what I mean. If any misunderstanding results from culture gaps, I apologize first.