Today's content and users are different today
Many of the content on my forum could use the file manager function to allow users to also upload, video, audio, etc.

Today that function is limited to the file types allowed which is mostly images.

This should be a config function by admin as to users/groups if they are allowed to use file types allowed as function is today or allow them to upload into posts other content like video or audio.

Also the function needs a cancel icon button so if they choose to cancel the upload at the time it was being done or before getting out of the file manager popup window.
If cancel is used within file manager screen then the uploaded contents are deleted from server.

As discussed in another thread the video function needs to be done differently for videos that are on like youtube but there are times user's video is not on some service and wants to upload the video file within their post

Team ZR-1 Corvette Racer's