Originally Posted by Daryl Fawcett
System Linux box384.bluehost.com 3.4.81-20140220.1.bh6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Feb 20 19:48:38 EST 2014 x86_64

I manage several UBBT 7.5.8 sites through BlueHost. I'm not getting the same problems as you guys are.

PHP version: 5.4.24
MySQL version: 5.5.36-log

If you're having problems with your UBBT forum on BlueHost, turn OFF "PHP 5.4 (FastCGI)" and use "PHP 5.4 (Single php.ini)" instead.

When using "PHP 5.4 (Single php.ini)" as default, all subdirectories will use ~/public_html/php.ini
DO NOT USE FastCGI. Long PHP requests through UBBT will have trouble accessing SQL queries.

In addition, in your .htaccess file at the root of your site directory, add this line to the top:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php54s .php
Comment-out or remove all other "AddHandler" lines.



From the BlueHost cPanel, in the "Software/Services" group, choose "PHP Config"
You will see six or more items in the "Bluehost PHP Configuration" group. For UBBT, the three that you should be concerned with, are:

PHP 5.4
All files with the extension .php will be handled by the PHP 5.4 engine.
Latest version of PHP.

PHP 5.4 (Single php.ini) <-- USE THIS ONE
Same as PHP 5.4, but all subdirectories will use ~/public_html/php.ini

PHP 5.4 (FastCGI)
All files with the extension .php will be handled by PHP 5.4 FastCGI processes.
FastCGI for PHP makes all your PHP applications run through mod_fastcgi instead of mod_suphp. This eliminates the overhead of loading the PHP interpreter on every hit. Since it is always in memory ready for the next hit, the responses will be generated faster.

Current developer of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software
Current Release: UBBT 7.7.5 // Preview: UBBT 8.0.0
isaac @ id242.com // my forum @ CelicaHobby.com