Isaac - thanks again for the shoutbox feedback. Would you please let me know what file has the dropdown list and I will do a temporary mod until the update is released?

Nevermind - I found it in templates/default/header.tpl and removed the following code:

<tr><td class="popup_menu_content"><a href="{ubb url="ubb=shoutchat"}" class="nd"><i class="fas fa-bullhorn fa-fw menu-item" aria-hidden="true"></i> {$lang.SHOUT_CHAT}</a></td></tr>

I assume the fix in the long term would have something like this with an if statement and the proper configuration variable (I just plugged a random SHOUT here)
{if $config.SHOUT}
<tr><td class="popup_menu_content"><a href="{ubb url="ubb=shoutchat"}" class="nd"><i class="fas fa-bullhorn fa-fw menu-item" aria-hidden="true"></i> {$lang.SHOUT_CHAT}</a></td></tr>

Last edited by whk; 02/19/2018 9:45 AM. Reason: temporary fix added to remove shoutbox from drop-down menu