OK I wish to update to your current system (I will lose some working stuff but I will live with it)...
But in order for me to update I want these features. Administrator for groups. So I can say this person can administer this group and they can add/remove people from that group. It will save me TONS of work.
That is my main requirement.
This is just a suggestion...
Another suggestion being able to add Administrator to a Board Catagory. Where they can add Boards and stuff but can only control the forums under the selected catagory they are admin to. So you will have the "Global Admin" who can edit the board settings and so forth. Then you will have "Catagory Admins" who can add boards and stuff to their catagory they are admin to. Also make it so they can add groups according to their Catagory and stuff.
Does this help any?
Can you tell me if these features are possible and if so how long do you think it will take?
Also can you give me the URL to the UBB site where I can post my web editing Perl Script to see if someone can transfer that system to PHP?
I am attempting to switch to PHP however some scripts are just to hard for me to switch to it. I am fine with perl but not PHP.
Thanks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Billy S.