This isn't anything all that important or pressing, but I just thought of it when spell-checking a message.

The spell-check feature is a pretty nifty addition I think, but the dictionary file is a bit thin. In my last message, it listed "email", "wouldn't" and "doesn't" as misspellings. It's picking up a few more in this message as well.

In W3T's current format, we'd have to manually go in and edit the actual word file to add new entries... which could be a bit time consuming.

I think it'd be nice to put in a "add to word list" type option in the admin area.

Also, you know how in many word-processing programs there's an "add to dictionary" option for any words that come up as misspellings? Well, this obviously can't be implemented in W3T, because allowing all users to add words to the list would be a complete mess... but what if you had suggested words submitted to the admin for approval first?

The way I thought it out, it'd go something like this:

-You could have all misspelled words on the spell-checked message page link to a script, ie. /suggest-a-word.cgi?word=whatever .

-They click on any of the words they wish to submit to the list and the word will be placed in "storage" somewhere.

-There's an option in the admin area to "view suggested word entries". From there, you're presented a list of all submitted word entries in checklist format. You can then go through and check-off words to add to the dictionary file, or to delete from the storage area.

Like I said, this isn't anything all that pressing.. just an idea I'm tossing out