You can use this thread to discuss the 7.1 release including the betas. You can and should still use the other forums as usual such as bug reports, feature suggestions etc., We've created this forum to clean up the acutal announcement forum a bit so important replies to announcement posts will be easily viewable.
Hopefully not. There are times that I want to just post a reply to an announcement post instead of making a new one altogether, but with all of the other posts in it, it would tend to get lost.
So anytime I make an announcement post I'll add a link to a post here to discuss it.
The normal worry is the database tables. Just in case any of the upgrades with altertables mess them up, so it should be common practice to do a database backup before hand.
It's also handy to backup your includes, styles, and cache_builders directories. You're never supposed to overwrite these unless specifically told to do so, but some people have on accident. So backing up these directories is a good safeguard as well.
Not tru jgeoff, you can make backups on your computer through a tool like SQLYog; assuming you can access your MySQL database from out side of your webspace.
You're probably right but that's a big download (and especially upload if I need it) :/ I'll just have to order more space, or, erase my Classic data finally!
GangsterBB.NET (Ver. PHP Version 5.6.40 / MySQL 5.7.23-23 (was 5.6.41-84.1) / Apache 2.4.54 2007 Content Rulez Contest - Hon Mention UBB.classic 6.7.2 - RIP
Not tru jgeoff, you can make backups on your computer through a tool like SQLYog; assuming you can access your MySQL database from out side of your webspace.
What do you mean by "assuming you can access your MySQL database from out side of your webspace"???
Your host provider may not allow you to connect to your database if the connection is not local to the system. i.e. you would not be able to setup a connection between your home computer and your host provider to the database.
Geoff who you hosting with if that's all the space you get, or do you have a bunch of other stuff taking up space?
I get 35GB of space with my host provider and 2TB of traffic a month.
I get only 4.5GB space and 100GB transfer from ASO, which is barely enough for the 17 sites hosted on my account. Maybe I need to switch hosts -- or at least ask them to get a bit more current.
GangsterBB.NET (Ver. PHP Version 5.6.40 / MySQL 5.7.23-23 (was 5.6.41-84.1) / Apache 2.4.54 2007 Content Rulez Contest - Hon Mention UBB.classic 6.7.2 - RIP
Well as I'm sure you're aware there are thousands of hosting companies. I won't say mine is without their issues but overall they seem to rank pretty well and I've been with them for about 3 years now.
Maybe check with your provider first and let them see if they can attempt to match something a bit closer or let them know otherwise you may have to switch providers.
I have some sites on Powweb also -- sadly only as a private testing site for a forum before it gets uploaded to my dedicated server. So I can't comment on running a big board on Powweb.
Powweb is pretty good -- Rocky transition over the last couple months since they got sold but it appears the new owner has everything fixed up and running.
What do you mean by "assuming you can access your MySQL database from out side of your webspace"???
Most webhosts do not allow connections to the server from ip's outside of the server; this means that you cannot run a script on your computer to connect to your mysql server on your site; some servers however allow you to set your mysql configuration to allow this anyway.
Originally Posted by jgeoff
I get only 4.5GB space and 100GB transfer from ASO, which is barely enough for the 17 sites hosted on my account. Maybe I need to switch hosts -- or at least ask them to get a bit more current.
If you threaten to leave for another deal they will generally work with you; just quote prices from other sites like or
If you do move, Id highly advise you look up the host and their owners (some companys have numerous sub companies that offer better deals) through WebhostingTalk, but keep in mind that some webhosts are horrid in the first place, so be sure to look up everything you can.
Thanks for the 7.1B4. I am hoping to install it tonight.
I would like to update my custom style sheet before I do the upgrade to keep the downtime to a minimum. When I "Export with Wrapper" my custom style sheet I get a text file named "mystyle_with_wrapper.txt".
Can you post the content of the default exported style sheet (txt file) so that I can see exactly how to add the 3 new stylesheet classes (.newtotal, .popup_content, and .post-buttons) to my custom stylesheet before I do the upgrade?
I have downloaded and looked through the upgrade files (in /styles) and I see that the content of ubbthreads_1.css is much different then "mystyle_with_wrapper.txt". I am guessing that the UBB sw stores the different parts of the style sheet separately and then assembles it into a txt file for export.
I know that this is not a big issue, but it would be nice to be able to do. An uploaded stylesheet.txt file with the new parts in red would be very useful.
The exported style is actually an exported PHP array that holds all of the classes and their associated settings. You'd have to hand edit the actually exported style and then reimport it, which is a bit tricky as it will break if the php syntax isn't correct.
When doing the upgrade, you can actually reopen your forums before worrying about updating your styles. Basically, it won't break anything, the new classes will just be unstyled until you edit them, so you don't have to extend the downtime.
ive upgraded okay, except the header on some of the portal boxes doesnt appear, the online box for example, and the search portal doesnt have any text on the buttons or a title header... I have uploaded the whole languages folder again but no joy...
Thanks just got 7.1b4 - didn't see it as I don't normally come in at the Portal page, but since you have it there the date and time is wrong and don't show an edit date either.
For the people worried about the stylesheet updates; just do the import, then edit your stylesheet; the standard upgrade procedure is to not overwrite your style data.
The new items can be found in the style editor and will simply be blank, you can update them from here.
I postponed my upgrade from 7.0.2 to 7.1B4 until tonight.
Another Question:
I noticed that the "details" for "Who's Online" almost always seems to list a bunch of spiders from Yahoo!
Does that mean that you have checked: Enable Spider-friendly URLs? (Primary Settings > General tab)?
I currently keep this unchecked (which was the default). Does this mean that I am actually blocking the spiders or just that I am not benig friendly to them and they come crawling anyway?
If a user matches a "useragent" they will be defined as a bot; this setting is completely independent of spider friendly URLs and simply means that a bot is accessing at least your homepage.
Spider Friendly allows spiders an easier route of transversing your webspace; nothing is to say they will be completely blocked, but nothing guarantees they'll have an easy route of spidering your forums.
Another benefit of Spider Friendly is that your URLs to posts will be MUCH shorter.
1. For the three new stylesheet classes (.newtotal, .popup_content, and .post_buttons) my template is blank. I may have made a mistake somewhere but I expected an updated generic template to be loaded with the upgrade to 7.1B4. That soes not seem to have happened. So these classes are still unstyled and I do not know what to put into those fields. Can someone please 1) post examples from their UBB.threads 7.1B4 or 2) tell me what specfic files I need to load that were not loaded as part of the upgrade. [I had deleted all the templates except the one I want users to use.] If I click on the "copy" within the styles edit link to copy in the default nothing happens.
2. In each post I see the remaining icons for "Edit", "Reply" and etc. but immediately followed by the new hyperlinked text for the same functions. Both appear to work.
The board is up and running so overall the upgrade went ok.
Still trying to figure out if there is a way to auto update styles. Not exactly sure that's possible yet as the defaults might not go with the custom styles at all, but working on it.
As for your image problem. First, make sure you've uploaded the contents of the images/generic/default and default_dark folders. We've updated the images in those folders for the post buttons. If you're still getting the old images, then do a shift-reload on your browser and that should force the new images to reload.
When you upgrade these wil be blank, this is normal behavior and is up to the admin to update them.
The default template isn't updated however, which is a shame, but I suppose it's because some people just customize their default template and Rick didn't want to just overwrite it.
If you see the old icons still it's a cache issue, try clearing your browser cache and the old images will be replaced.
If you private tester ones are upgrading without any problems, then the chance of me having a problem when the time comes should have the same "no problem" results?
Basil, you always need to run the upgrade.php file, with every upgrade. This step can never be skipped as it updates the version # in the database and a couple other things as well.
I change online.tpl to display the mood in front of the name. This looks nicer and cleaner. The only problem is a long username like Axes_Gorgoneyes on my site. How do I add a nowrap in this place? Another Idea is to put the mood in the second line of the status field.
For the life of me, I can not find the style which changed and now assume it is hard coded which impacted the left and right margins for the body (outside main div) I have used. Since I did not upload/change the styles folder during today's upgrade, I assume it is hard coded in the base code. I changed nothing except apply the upgrade as I had fixed all the styles with b4.
Any idea what this may be from b4 to final as I can't find it myself looking at the source? Why I ask is I have used HEADER INSERT for my site styles with 50px left and right margin (Safari and Firefox - off for IE).
Looks good. Question about the Recent Visitors page. I don't particularly want everyone seeing the data about search engine spiders whatever, preferring all "guests" to just be "guests". Can we turn that off so that it doesn't mention the spiders and just includes them in the normalguests?
Basil, you always need to run the upgrade.php file, with every upgrade. This step can never be skipped as it updates the version # in the database and a couple other things as well.
Thanks Rick, but I'm still not clear on whether I can get away with just uploading the files that your Upgrade_Changes.txt file says have changed since 7.1 Beta 5? I would assume that if I'm already running 7.1 Beta 5 and have all those files, that I would only need to upload the files that have changed since:
Is my assumption correct? (I ask because I have made some minor template mods like adding some additional links in the Navigation menus, etc that I'd rather not have to re-do if not necessary.
Last edited by Basil; 02/22/20079:54 AM. Reason: Fat Fingers
Basil - each file has the version number within it - therefore I think you will have to upload all files.
In any event I would use Beyond Compare - I have changes and was able to compare, import my changes, upload and run the upgrade script within a 30 minute period.
You can make it so that data is shown only to registered members, this can be done by changing the "tick" in the file in the scripts/ directory.
I see the files that are different from UBB 7.0, but if I'm running 7.1b5 now, what's the diff between 7.1b5 and 7.1? I'm wondering if ther differences between those two are worth going through an upgrade =)
Hey Rick, any change in the private group's final and the public final?
'eh i found this out for myself with beyond compare; the only changed files in private 7.1 final and public 7.1 final is the ubb_lib fix and the newuser template file; one of which i already had patched lol
Guys, I'm having real trouble with seeing the value of this upgrade. Mood symbols?? You've got to be kidding. What VALUE does that add?
My users want to be able to --Search beyond ONE YEAR --Use Spellchecker --Upload member photos
and I want to be able to --see an interactive list of all Islands and where they are posted --add/edit calendar items easier --have more member admin functions --post external islands anywhere within a domain
Real value, not superficial modifications.
Admittedly I'm getting my info from the announcement listing, not from any beta test experience.
Now, the CAPTCHA seems useful - as most security features are, but all in all, "Where's the Beef?"
You can change your max search length in the cp; you can search any ammount of dates.
Spellcheck does not exist in the ubb because of the vast array of words in the english (and foreign) dictionaries it'd have to use a remote service; as remote services are unreliable it'd be a pain to have it as an official feature; there is however a modification at ubbdev.
Members can upload photos, with the attachment system.
You can see where your islands are used at the portal settings.
Can't comment on your other ones though.
Captcha was my main goal with testing for 7.1, i made the suggestions before 7.0 was finalized.
You can grab a full list of added features and bux fixes in the changelog.
Different new features are far more important to some forums than your requirements - whereas yours are more important than theirs.
Maybe you have no use for multiple languages, but other sites do.
Others have benefited from full post tracking or the ability to have bans of varying lengths, or maybe the ability to auto-delete move pointers for posts after a set period of time etc.
Don't get me wrong your requests are all valid and I am looking forward to some of your requests being added - but don't forget that 7 was a complete rewrite from 6.x and so there has had to be further modifications to the code behind the scenes to enable features to be added in the next version and beyond.
As for a spellchecker then FireFox 2 is your answer
And before i hear 'i shouldnt have to change my browser', i believe the google toolbar has spellchecking abilities, and i believe there are a bunch of modules for IE (iespell for example) that can do that ability
Guys, I'm having real trouble with seeing the value of this upgrade. Mood symbols?? You've got to be kidding. What VALUE does that add?
My users want to be able to --Search beyond ONE YEAR --Use Spellchecker --Upload member photos
and I want to be able to --see an interactive list of all Islands and where they are posted --add/edit calendar items easier --have more member admin functions --post external islands anywhere within a domain
Real value, not superficial modifications.
Admittedly I'm getting my info from the announcement listing, not from any beta test experience.
Now, the CAPTCHA seems useful - as most security features are, but all in all, "Where's the Beef?"
I tend to agree about the mood thingy - maybe if I was 30 years younger I'd be excited, although I do rather like the "online" indicator function they provide.
But to be fair, there have been some important improvements since 7.0, most notably the post-tracking improvements and certainly the CAPTCHA is exceedingly valuable. As for searching beyond 1 year - as someone already pointed out that can be set in CP to any period of time you want (but remember, the longer the period you allow the more load on your SQL server).
All that being said, however, I'm not a big fan of bells and whistles for the sake of bells and whistles. I want features that would be of interest to (and used by) my members. To be honest, before I opted to go with Threads 7, I had been evaluating another, relatively recent forum product and in fact hold a license for that "other" product. Ultimately, the other product had more "bells and whistles" than Threads 7, but I decided that many of those bells and whistles were not really useful to my members, just gee-whiz stuff that probably would amuse the admin more than be of use to members. Thus, I opted for Threads 7 instead.
The guys above answered the "where's the beef" question pretty good. I'll add just another note on this. When deciding features, I have a long list of requests, go through the feature request forum and make some decisions.
1) I'll usually pick a couple major ones that will take awhile or require a large bit of code to be rewritten. For 7.1, that was CAPTCHA and the multiple language option.
2) I'll then tackle a couple of things that the feature already exists but needs to be tweaked or made better. For 7.1, it was active topics, deleting posts, banning users, moved topics, ignored users, and a couple more.
3) Then I'll add a few small features. These are usually ones that have been on the wishlist the longest or have the most frequent requests. For 7.1, one of those was an actual online indicator next to each post. That was a feature that was requested many moons ago and came up from time to time because product x or y had it and we didn't. I decided to expand on this a bit and make moods tie into the online indicator to make them a bit more multipurpose.
And that's about the extent of it. You get some new major features, some improvements to existing features, and some new minor features.
Some releases are going to be more exciting to some users than they are to others but I do try and get a couple things into each release that everyone can benefit from.
what did you change to who's online. It seems very slow to update when you hit the site and the cache times are acting wierd ?
It says there are more on the site then there are or it is not diplaying who is on the site. Acting wierd. what is the optimum setup for this site. I am not using a portal page.
The data on the WOL's content island is cached, whereas the data on the full page is not; so the numbers will generally always be off from one to the other.
Who's Online Timeframe (general) is how long since they've been on; as the page data is cached it basically gives you the option of how long to list users being online; some sites like to show how many users visited in the day, in the hour, etc.
The cache time (in portal settings) is for how long the data is on the island is cached; this would be the basic stats that show on the island itself (how many users who where online and all that fun stuff)
Ok then I have a question. If it says there are 5 anonymous online in the stats window shouldn't it show a list of 5 anonymous online still in the wol list of users and exactly where they have been and how long ago?
It depends, I'm not entirely sure if the WOL page caches search engine bots and anonymous as well (though it should).
I'm Thinking that the overlapping settings may be what's messing with you...
1. If the online time is set to 10, then if a user has been on within 10 minutes of the cache being generated then they will list. 2. The other page however should list things live, so if yoru cache time for the box is 15 minutes, and you've went to the full page after the online time has elapsed, then they won't show.
ok quick question. I think there is a bug that was induced when I converted a crappy phpbb site over. The WOL only shows 1 line of users per user type no matter how many there are. I could have 5 registered users online but the wol page only shows 1 and the same thing goes with anon / spiders.
The conversion seemed to go ok. Just is users aren't being recognized by WOL now.
yes its a windows server.. all permissions say ok.. I am wondering if the phpbb importer left more junk in the user profile. I had to clear out $thistitle out of all the user titles so titles would properly work on the forms. The WOL page will only recognize only one of each type of account ie: registered, anonymous and spider at a time.
The portal WOL says there is currently X online and seems to be reporting right. just the WOL page is not displaying it. I can prove the problem when I log onto the forums when one other person is already there. It won't even show my name in WOL but the WOL in portal settings says I have arrived.
yeh the titles is one of the bugs i reported on the importer thread... it was really sad that i was the only tester haha, i think i gave rick too many bugs to fix :x...
The WOL issue however, I'm not sure what to say...
Its odd that the island would be right (since its cached data) and the other would not, as the other is retrieved live (iirc).
I would of tested it but I never owned those crappy phpbb forums before. If it wasn't for my friend having them I would of never have got the cooties I got now from PHPBB 2.0
Man talk about crappy forums. I need to find out why the wol page isn't reading and displaying the turn number of users.
Amen, PHPBB may be free, but it's still not worth the price...
In fact, their CAPTCHA doesn't work for crap; in fact, I've completely disabled their registration system... It's an over glorified pile of dung and I can't wait to ditch it...
I'm hoping, no one has been able to contact my co-admin for several weeks now and he's been away for a while on his own projects, so it's kinda getting weird lol
I'm almost done with the first importer. The others should be much faster. We've got a few bugs reported so far, so I may work on patching these up when this first one is done.
If I hover over the names - the display is all screwed up - text is displayed on top of other text, and I can't read it. I had asked about css changes before, but never really found the info anywhere.
This appears to only affect me as admin seeing the extra info, but if this isn't displaying right I wonder what else isn't.
Joe Siegler - Former Infopop Staff Webmaster: Black Sabbath Online, Dopefish, & 3D Realms
I have a sure fired patented way to fix users not carrying on discussions in the old release discussion! you could lock the thread! lol... I'd do it, but i have no powers in this forum...