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If adding images, etc when writing a post, how can you control the format meaning if I set 3 images from file manager then then are shown one on top of the other and I find no way to get spaces between them to add content for each. Also is there a way to prevent people from right clicking and copying those attachments like images ? As example these charts are butted together and hard to know they are different graphs attachments butted together
JR Team ZR-1 Corvette Racer's
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On the next release you will be able to add descriptions to the attachments. As for the disable right click, this really only works in IE. Even if you do add the java script, the images can still be taken. Your best bet is to watermark your images/graphs.
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For hotlink protection you'd want to do through your webserver, as there would be no real way to do this within the ubb. I'll post some code in the FAQ forum later
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I knew he would come post some codes 
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I'm the apache code monkey :flex:™
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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As for taking images or content it depends on the sophistication of the visitor. If they know what they're doing you just can't stop them from taking it. You can slow down the average user maybe but that's about it.
On another note. I love the content of your site. Can't afford one but have driven the C6 at a GM Demo site once, that was sweet and I did a 4 day course in Arizona at Bondurant. 3 with the C5 and 1 with the open wheel ford.
Lot of fun.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Well hotlink protecting isn't the same as stopping someone from taking your images. That just prevent freeloaders form linking to your images from another site. Modern Control Panel of your host provider should have the tools to implement that.
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If you block all sites, but your own, who have the ability to download images; you effecively block uses from posting images on their sites from your site... Unless you're talking about not allowing people to save images, in which case there are ways, but I don't recommend them as they're horrible and i dispise code like that 
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Carpal Tunnel
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Well as I say though even the "protected / encrypted" methods I've seen can be overcome by those that know how.
Not saying there isn't some way to stop it but I've not come across it yet.
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Well, if you're trying to avoid A: Users from including your images/files from their pages, it's easy to stop; in fact, i just posted how to do it in the FAQ forum. If it's B: blocking users from "right clicking" and saving the image, there are ways to block that as well, and ways to subvert them are just as easy to come by; I just fine them a total annoyance  ...
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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Fully agree with hotlink protection
Just no good way to stop the physical copying of the images.
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Well, there are some ways of "attempting", blocking control, and right clicking are a start; but people can drag the image to the address bar and subvert it, or hold the right button and click space (though it's near pointless to block the space bar)...
In all honesty, blocking the "saving" of images is pointless, it's easy to get around that, and all those blockers do is add un-needed code to your sites, and annoy people for the whole 3 seconds it takes to get around them :x...
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Ubbdev might have a solution, if you wanted to directly upload images as img tags. 
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Were it is true "if there is a will there is a way" most people today do not even know how to save an attachment in a email to a certain disk subdirectory but they do know how to right click and copy images. I have had some decent images ripped off and years later find them on other websites. Be nice if something would prevent saving a image when viewing them on forum Thanks about my forum content. My forum has been up for about 10 years and its all about owning, reparing and racing the Corvette. My website has over 1,000 vette images and really get into the working of the engine management and how to custom tune them As for taking images or content it depends on the sophistication of the visitor. If they know what they're doing you just can't stop them from taking it. You can slow down the average user maybe but that's about it.
On another note. I love the content of your site. Can't afford one but have driven the C6 at a GM Demo site once, that was sweet and I did a 4 day course in Arizona at Bondurant. 3 with the C5 and 1 with the open wheel ford.
Lot of fun.
JR Team ZR-1 Corvette Racer's
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BTW, if all other "image hijacking" attempts fail, theres always the printscreen key and photoshop to copy an image 
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exactly, thats why I watermark all my images and advise my members to do the same.
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yeh, that is what watermarking is for...
You know, G2 has a thing that lets users upload their watermark, I was rather ammused....
I highly doubt some random person is goinna use photos of my kid on their site though lol
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Yes, I use G2 for my site but use our own default mark. I tried giving them the option but they didn't bother, but would yell when their photo was stolen. Now every pic uploaded is auto marked, but saves the original so it does not damage permanently. That would be a great feature to add to the new image gallery here 
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Yes I love the "save original" option; G1 didn't have this... I may watermark things... but I like giving th eoption to print images.. though I don't see why anyone woudl print a 1.3mp image lol... especially since I have 7.3mp images as the originals...
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LOL, yea thats one of the reasons I upgraded. I would have hated to ruin original pics with a permanent mark. Once you set it as a default it will mark any and all pics to that gallery once you set it up.
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Carpal Tunnel
Carpal Tunnel
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And then what about those tools that remove the water marks  Dang if you do, Dang if you don't. If the RIAA can't stop 100% Music theft and MPA can't stop MOVIE theft then I think you can see how difficult it is to stop IMAGE theft 100% The good thing though is that "most" Web Admins will remove any image from their system if you can provide some amount of proof that it is your copyrighted work.
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Even then it's their discression to do so; I've had to go to the ISP level, and even then I've had to escallate issues to the datacenter level...
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Carpal Tunnel
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Oh I'm sure, we don't live in an "everyone plays nice" World. But I'd say that they are the exception rather than the rule.
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What's fun is putting pressure on the datacenter, in which they put major pressure on the client who in turn goes so far as to shutting their client off until the issue can be fixed...
Had problems with people stealing my sites design to a "t" on several occasions...
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Same here Giz. Microsoft Live had a site shut down after reading our copyright policy and seeing our watermark on the photo. Wound up 90% of the photos on the site were stolen images.
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You know, I take my stance away about it being impossible; I stumbled on a site last night and I couldn't right click, I couldn't drag the image, I couldn't do a thing... When viewing the source, it turns out that it protects on an image by image basis, so it won't effect all content on the page... And it's rather simple: <img src="/path/to/image.jpg" ondrag="return false" ondragstart="return false" onmousedown="return false" oncontextmenu="return false" alt="alt image text"> Now, this doesn't stop hitting print screen and taking a screen shot, but it works surprisingly well
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heres an example of the above code; please note that it is NOT xhtml valid; so for all of you validation nazi's you'll be peeved...
Last edited by Gizmo; 07/05/2007 2:47 AM.
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![[Linked Image from development.virtualnightclub.net]](http://development.virtualnightclub.net/Proof%20of%20Concept/Copy%20Protection/Eliterate.gif) Nice one gizzy 
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo
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but with firebug or javascript console that can be circumvented, but they DO probably get 9x% of the right clickers (where x is high number).
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lol, I'll admit, it's no secure alternative, there are MANY ways to cicrumvent; but it's a step in the better direction (at least theres no popup warnings that get annoying!) lol...
I was rather ammused to have it on an element by element basis; one of my many sites is an RPG help site, and I'm sure this would help to bar about 95% of the users lol...
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PS, I think allen just likes my collection of dancing fruit, veggies, and other miscelanious items  ...
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OMG, Mark. You did not just post the dancing banana here did you? I might have to temporarily ban you! No dancing fruit allowed here, by orders of ME!!!!!
I really don't know why, but dancing fruit just bugs me 
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What about dancing vegetables?
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OMG, Mark. You did not just post the dancing banana here did you? I might have to temporarily ban you! No dancing fruit allowed here, by orders of ME!!!!!
I really don't know why, but dancing fruit just bugs me  I checked the FAQ and the Forum Rules First and its only mentioned that there should be no "Fruity members"? Nothing about Dancing Fruit. I appoligies sincerly and promise not to post ![[Linked Image from development.virtualnightclub.net]](http://development.virtualnightclub.net/Proof%20of%20Concept/Copy%20Protection/Eliterate.gif) him again lol or or or or or Hasta la vista Baby (tee hee) ![[Linked Image from images.wikiwirral.co.uk]](http://www.images.wikiwirral.co.uk/forum/1177-wikiwirral-bananalamacy6.gif)
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo
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Oh oh thems sounds like fighting smilies. Good luck Mark
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And that's without even using tools or viewing the source.
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Lemme guess, you're using the noscript extension for FFox?  ... In a "stock" FFox it shoudln't allow any clicking; though it will allow highlighting, which IE shouldn't. And Mark, you should see the site I linked to at ubbdev with dancing fruit/veggies/etc...
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LOL No, but I do have a bunch of DOM tools for it  Not biggie, just pointing out to the original poster that you can SLOW them down but you CAN'T stop them if they really want it. I have some tools to actually grab movies, music from encrypted streams so hey - like someones sig - IT'S OUT THERE SOMEWHERE
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<snicker> I have about 40 tools installed, everything from monitoring page load times, to monitoring my browsing time, to downloading flash protected videos lol
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