I want to give global moderators and moderators the ability to use the registration queue to approve or not new members. I have set their CP permissions for “Can Edit Users†to 1 in CP permissions and enabled the registration queue.
They can’t get to the Registration Queue. I assume that I am missing a step?
I believe you need to go back to that page and set a 1 to Has full access to the control panel
It is kind of a misnomer. Because at first it appears that they have full access but they really don't. They have a lot of access but can't do changes like change the super admin and there are some items they can't access at all.
Also that opens one or two options in their mystuff edit preferences at the bottom of the page.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
Currently the sites I look at don't have anything in the registration queue so I can't double check for you. Most sites use email verification. For now pick one moderator you really trust and make them a admin and see if they can see it.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
I have a test account with global moderator permissions. Normally, I do not give global moderators, or anyone else, CP permissions. I tried it just now. It can't "see" the registration queue, no matter what settings I change.
In the future, I think it makes sense that we should be able to add registration approval permissions to specific groups, without giving them administrator authority.
UBB.classic from 2000-2003 UBB.threads from 2003-present!
By the way, and I know that I've beaten this to death, Gizmo's Stop Forum Spam mod works wonders for keeping the spammers from registering. I have not been spammed since adding it many months ago.
An average month for me is about 350 new registrations.
Last edited by SteveS; 05/31/20125:38 PM.
UBB.classic from 2000-2003 UBB.threads from 2003-present!
By the way, and I know that I've beaten this to death, Gizmo's Stop Forum Spam mod works wonders for keeping the spammers from registering. I have not been spammed since adding it many months ago.
An average month for me is about 350 new registrations.
Can you point me to it? I need a good beating......
I added my API key into both of the language files. I backed up the 6 files that need modifications. I made the modifications. I double checked the modifications.
Can I just copy the modified files to the server or do I need to shutdown the forum first?
My 2 cents. I would close your board first before any mods or updates. As a admin you can still access the board while it is closed and test all is okay.
Just good practice to do so.
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers
I looked on ubbdev and found a thread where a person was getting this same error. In that case it was an older version of PHP so I am going to check that.
I still want to give global moderators and moderators the ability to use the registration queue to approve or not new members. Lately there has been an onslaught of spammers that are bypassing stopforumspam blocking. Has there been any change in whether or not this can be done?
I'm pretty sure there is a check in the member queue which specifically blocks moderators from accessing it; you'd have to recode that portion of the control panel to allow them in.
Yeah, it's only edit users and full access; if you hack at the member management files you can spot where Rick blocked moderators in the code. I'm not sure if this chunk of loveliness is in 7.6.0, I'll have to take a look later.
It is always a good idea to have a second account on your board that you use for testing and such as to where you can change that account privies any time to what ever is needed for that particular test you're doing or needed tested.
FTP to your site, download file, open in notepad, find line, change value, save file, upload file, have moderator check if they can use the system.
I modified and uploaded the modded file and made sure it was correct on the server. Do I have close and restart the board or a DB? Just copying it in had no apparent effect.
Mods cannot see the Registration Queue only View/Edit Members.
As long as you uploaded the file back to where it was before (overwriting it) it should just take the change; nothing is cached except for the template files, so nothing should need to be done once the file is written back to the server (not to mention, this isn't a supported change, we're just trying to figure out how to loosen any restrictions).
Ok, just went through the files and tested the display on my garden site...
Disclaimer: Below is a code modification to the Control Panel of UBB.threads; code modifications to the stock code will invalidate your license terms for support. Code modifications cannot be supported by the official UBB.threads support personnel, and can only be supported at UBBDev or these User to User forums. In admin/membermanage.php Find:
Could still need some work as the actual moderators are getting a message about permissions, " "You must have the proper permission to access this area."
The mod and global mod permissions appear to be set correctly. They can view the Queue and can do everything in there up until they hit the Submit Button. Then:
Control panel message
You must have the proper permission to access this area.
» Return
It appears that there needs to be another permissions setting in CP permissions or the Mod/Gmods need to have that permission granted in the code somewhere. That is way beyond my capabilities though I do have a PHP editor now
Last edited by dbremer; 03/26/20169:50 AM. Reason: Added a thought
The user who's testing, are they a Moderator or a Global Moderator? I'm wondering if theres a tick missing for GM vs M; if you could have a standard moderator test it to see if they might be able to get it through (otherwise, there isn't an additional perm that I'm aware of).
I have a moderator login that I use for testing and it produces the permissions error. All of the real moderators are setup as GlobalModerator and they are getting the same error. Perhaps the "1" is set back to "0" in another permissions check hidden in the code somewhere?
I'm really not sure; I don't see any additional checks in either the script (admin/membermanage.php, admin/doapproveusers.php) files or the template (template/default/admin/membermanage.tmpl). I did a grep of the define line and it only exists in doapproveusers.php and domodpermissions.php.
I'd have the user try to log out, then back in and attempt (could be an issue with a value set in their cookie that isn't updated since they're already logged in); other than that, unless code can be adapted and the permission issue located, things can't go any further.
I was just using the garden site to build the modification; we have 3 staff members (including myself) and we're all three admin's, so you where the test bed (since you had multiple moderators who could test).
I inherited the site from the former owner of The Garden Helper when he sold their site, I got the community (which was already running on this domain); I need to find people to help submit content, or at very least, troll the forums for content and help add it to the main site, lol.
We don't have a registration queue enabled, once a user verifies their email then their account, it is created; we rely on Stop Forum Spam only, for spam prevention (heck, it's where the SFS mod was written and tested, it replaced the need for a full admin staff of 8+ users; now we have two staffers other than myself, and they ultimately just work on community development [making new conversations], whereas before they where corralling spammers).
We are still having a lot of spam activity that stopforumspam doesn't intercept. It averages about a dozen per day and all are from verified email addresses that make it through CAPTCHA. That is why the mods in the reg que would be a benefit. We also have them answer questions where they show their colors as spammers.
SFS and the Captcha block against automated attacks (bots) and users who've been flagged as spammers (in the case of SFS); a human, however, has the intelligence to be able to find a proxy or the ability to clearly read a captcha and process a registration.
v7.6.0 will attempt to read the data sent with a proxy, including the "forwarded for" variable, which would read out the IP address of an open proxy request; thus showing their actual IP. And at a future point I'll be looking at additional services and captcha options.
I would love to get this "just working" for you, but there is no clear "heres the check" notation for opening it for you since this bit:
Ok, this is completely untested, in /admin/doapproveusers.php find:
And change it to:
Nothing else in the processing bits (/admin/doapproveusers.php) or the display bits (admin/membermanage.php) display a visible check that one could just remove.