hi! I am the part of pondboss magazine and we have used ubb for years as its forum.. it has grown to be the goto place for help for Lakes and Ponds. Thank you..
http://forums.pondboss.com/ubbthreads.phpI have to be truthfull I am relativily new at this position and before me the forum just ran ..pretty much the same as it was the day it was set up for years.. For being a nitche forum i feel we are doing well and i want to put some rotating adds 160x600 sky scraper adds on the left hand side to help increase subscribers to our magazine.
ok here is what I did:
went to open add 2.0 (our add software)
got the code:
$body = <<<EOF
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='http://www.pondboss.com/asr/adx.js'></script>
<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>
if (!document.phpAds_used) document.phpAds_used = ',';
plugged it into the island
plugged in my ads in openads
turned it on and bamm!!!
all may content disapeared.. after picking my self off the floor and writing my will.... returned the add to "hide" and everything went back to normal...
is there anyone that can help me .. do have bad code??