I find the 24 hr/48 hr/7 day listings to be very inconvenient to use. In particular:

1. Listings are not sorted by Forum.

2. With a busy Forum, there may be hundreds of new postings each day. There is no way to skip to the end of the list or any specific page. In fact, there is no way of knowing how many new postings have been made in the time period indicated.

3. Part of the reason that the listing is so long, is that it separately lists every new posting to the same thread, rather than just the thread itself once. This is especially problematic because different postings in the same thread do not all share the same name. This means you will likely be inadvertently clicking to return to a thread you already visited via a previous link.

4. Finally, when you do click to go to a thread, it defaults to a threaded view, showing you the specific message listed. While this may be desirable at times, more often, the flat view would be preferred. The last message in a thread often makes no sense without going back and reading the earlier messages for context. I find myself always clicking to shift to flat. It would be better if flat was the default.

Is there any hope that an update to WWWThreads may address these issues?