Ok....... Here is the deal:
I wanted to send out an HTML e-mail to all my members but I have been told I can do that. If anyone know a way that I can do this please let me know.

So I tired Plan A:

I sent out a link to the url on my server; It looked like this:

[ url=http://www.muskymansports.com/images/Newsletter_Musky.html]CLICK HERE------->>$10,000 March Madness Contest[/url]
( that is the correct path to the file on my server)

But when I sent the e-mails out, the following is what was received by everybody.

[:"blue"] <br />I am pleased to announce a FREE $10,000 March Madness Contest. NO entry fee and it is open to the all members, paid or not. You DO NOT have to be a paid member of the boards to enter. Check it out and GOOD luck.
<br />If any member of my boards wins a cash prize, I will give you a FREE membership to the boards for one full year.
<br />
<br />CLICK HERE------->>$10,000 March Madness Contest
<br />
<br />
<br />Good Luck:
<br />
<br />Musky

I am open to suggestions for a plan B.


How's all this "hopie-changie" working out for you???