Pick your Linux Operating System you want on demand from a list of select Distributions that are commonly favored!!Requested OS - Send a message about an Operating System you are interested in that is not on the list!Allow 1 business day for a response, except for weekends. Please do not think I ignore any requests, I add to the list as I can.
Please include the name of the Linux based OS and Version.
- Must be within max file size of 8 or 16gb Flash Drive capacities and Linux Open Source. No Modifications!- Microsoft Windows Operating Systems are not allowed!- Any messages referring to the installation of Windows Operating Systems will be ignored and deleted!- Please refer to GNU General Public Licensing for free software.
- Check out the Official Websites list below to see more details about these Operating Systems!- For even more details you can also check out review videos on http://youtube.com by searching the featured Linux Operating Systems.-Ubuntu Mate: Studio:https://ubuntustudio.org-Ubuntu Cinnamon: https://ubuntucinnamon.org
-Linux Mint: https://linuxmint.com
-Arch Linux: https://archlinux.org
-Debian: https://www.debian.org
-Kali Linux: https://www.kali.org (Live version optional-MX Linux: https://mxlinux.org
-Manjaro: OS: https://zorin.com/os
-Tuxedo OS: OS:https://endeavouros.com-Garuda Linux KDE Dr460nized:https://garudalinux.org
( Garuda - User: garuda Pass:garuda )
-Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop LTS: *NEW*
-Ubuntu-24.04.1 Live Server: *NEW*- More to come!- Be sure to check out the Official Websites for each individual OS to make sure your PC meets compatibility requirements.
Eligibility on Refunds regarding purchases under the circumstances (PC Requirements not met) will not be covered!This is a highly common mistake understanding software and hardware compatibility. Always know what you're getting!
Note: Installation on a Chromebook is possible depending on certain models but not advisable and can make a Chromebooks write-protect malfunction. Advanced install only at your own risk! Will not be held responsible!
Instructions using a Bootable USB Flash Drive: Connect the flash drive to a computer. Turn on the computer and press the key that opens the boot-device selection menu for the computer, such as the Esc/F10/F12 keys. Select the option that boots the device from the flash drive.
Package Contents- 1x USB 8GB Flash Drive. (Black/White)- 1x Operating System of your Choice.- Optional Keyrings and Label included.