Groupee’s ubb.classic™ software

New Trial or Licensed Installation – NT/Win2K Server



ă Groupee, Inc.


2401 Fourth Ave, Ste 500 • Seattle WA 98121

Phone 206.283.5999 • Fax 206.283.6166



Document Last Revised: 09/06/2005 (UBB.classic™ version 6.7.3)




Groupee, UBB.classic, Ultimate Bulletin Board, UBBCode, UBBFriend,

Wordlet, and other Groupee products/features referenced in this

document are trademarks of Groupee, Inc.


Internet Explorer and FrontPage are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Netscape and the Netscape N and Ship's Wheel logos are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

Macromedia Dreamweaver is a trademark or registered trademark of Macromedia, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

GoLive is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. CuteFTP is a registered trademark of GlobalSCAPE, Inc. WS_FTP is a registered trademark of Ipswitch, Inc. WinZip is a registered trademark of WinZip Computing, Inc.

Table of Contents

New Trial or Licensed Installation – NT/Win2K Server. 3

Advanced Users Click Here for Quickie Instructions 3

Pre-Installation Checklist 3

1.      Open FTP Client 3

2.      Upload and Open hello.cgi 4

3.      Upload all cgi-bin files 4

4.      Upload Members Directory. 4

5.      Upload Variables Folder Contents 4

6.      Upload Non-cgi Files 5

7.      Upload Templates Folder 5

8.      Open Your UBB.classic Control Panel 5

9.      Basic Configuration. 5

10.    Create Admin Login. 6

11.    Configure Primary Settings 6

12.    Congratulations! 6

Where’s my Control Panel?. 6

Upload and Open ubbclassic_test.cgi 7

Quickie Instructions for Advanced Users. 8



New Trial or Licensed Installation – NT/Win2K Server


Advanced Users Click Here for Quickie Instructions


Pre-Installation Checklist

q       A copy of the UBB.classic™ software zip file downloaded from the Member Area at

q       Unzipping software such as WinZip®.

q       An FTP client such as WS_FTP®, LeapFTP, or CuteFTP®. (Macromedia Dreamweaver®, Microsoft FrontPage®, or Adobe GoLive® SHOULD NOT be used for this purpose). 

q       A web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer® 5.5+, Netscape® 6.2+, Internet Explorer for Macintosh® 5.2+, Safari® 1.0+ or Opera® 7+.

q       Read the Setting NT File Permissions document (you or your web host will need to have set these correctly before installation).

q       From your web host:

o       A CGI FAQ (please read it before starting the installation). Read it to find out whether you can have writeable files in your cgi-bin (some hosts do not allow this).

o       Your URL.  Your URL might look something like or

o         The location of your cgi directory. (It could be called cgi-bin, cgi-local, cgibin, ubbcgi, or something else.)  In this document, we’ll always refer to it as “your cgi directory”.

Unzip the UBB.classic™ .zip file and extract the contents into an accessible location on your computer.  You will be using the instructions below to move specific directories and files from your PC to your web server---some in ASCII mode and some in binary---it is extremely important to follow the instructions step by step and in order.

1.     Open FTP Client

Open your FTP client, connect to your web server, and set it to upload files in ASCII mode.  All files will be uploaded in ASCII mode (text mode for Mac users) except for files that end in .jpg or .gif (these are located in the non-cgi directory only). These instructions will note when you need to switch to binary mode.  Do not use “auto” mode for this installation.



What is an FTP program?

FTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol.” Some examples of FTP software include: LeapFTP, CuteFTP®, and WS_FTP®.  Using these programs, you can securely send files to a location on a remote server. If you’re unfamiliar with FTP, you may wish to ask a webmaster for assistance; he/she probably uses FTP to make changes to your website.

2.     Upload and Open hello.cgi

Upload the hello.cgi (found in the help folder of the zip) to your cgi directory.  (It might be called “cgi-bin” or “ubbcgi”.)

Open hello.cgi using your browser (type in the browser address bar). Note that your server may have additional directories above your cgi directory; you generally do not need to include those in the path above.
If Perl is properly installed and mapped, the script will display a message indicating the test was successful. If the script is unsuccessful, upload and open instead.  If works, but hello.cgi does not, you will need to ask your host to fix the mapping of Perl on your server.  If neither hello file works, ask your host where CGI scripts can be executed. 

3.     Upload all cgi-bin files

Upload all files (including the Modules subfolder) in the cgi-bin folder of the zip file into your cgi directory.

4.     Upload Members Directory

Upload the Members directory and the files associated with this directory. The Members directory can be placed within your cgi directory. If you can place the Members directory above the web root, please do so. For more information on the web root, see the “Additional Installation Tips” section of the Installation documentation page.  Your Members directory does not need to be named Members.  You may name it something else as an additional security measure.  We recommend calling it Members to assist in troubleshooting, however.

5.     Upload Variables Folder Contents

Upload only the contents of the variables folder (not the folder itself) from your zip file into your cgi directory. 

NOTE for users who cannot have writeable files in their cgi-bin:  if your web host will not allow you to have writeable files in your cgi-bin, that means you cannot put the variable files (the files that start with “vars_”) in your cgi-bin as directed above.  You will need to create a directory to hold these files outside the cgi-bin, preferably above the web root.  You will also need to open the files cp.cgi and ultimatebb.cgi and look for the “note to users who are running UBB.classic in the non-writeable cgi-bin situation”.  Edit the appropriate line as directed to match your particular variables path.  For example, your new line may look like:

            require “c:/inetpub/rosemary/ubbvars/vars_config.cgi”;

(Note forward slashes.)

6.     Upload Non-cgi Files

Create a directory named ubb for your UBB.classic™ non-CGI files. This directory needs to be outside of your cgi directory; for example, where you keep your HTML files. Switch your FTP client to binary mode.  Upload from the zip’s noncgi directory all directories and subdirectories (except the Templates subdirectory) and their contents into this new directory on your server.   Do upload the Avatar subdirectory and its contents as well, preserving the directory structure.

Extra avatars: if you are installing the extra avatar set contained in the file (in the Member Area), unzip it now and upload the contents (still in binary mode) into the avatar subdirectory on your server.

7.     Upload Templates Folder

Switch your FTP client back to ASCII mode and upload the Templates subdirectory and its contents into the ubb directory.  Make sure that you maintain the directory structure when you upload the Templates subdirectory.

8.     Open Your UBB.classic Control Panel

Open your browser and type  (Note that if your cgi directory is called something other than “cgi-bin,” you can simply replace that in the URL above.)  Bookmark this page….you will be needing this to administer your UBB.classic™ community.

9.     Basic Configuration

Once you open your control panel URL, you will enter a series of screens that help you set up your paths and URLs.  The UBB.classic™ software may have your paths and URLs already filled in. Please check them to ensure they are correct.

If you are confused about paths vs URLs, see the “Additional Installation Tips” on the Installation Documentation page.  You can also use the file named pathto.asp located in the help directory of your zip file to help you find your absolute paths.  Upload it to your cgi directory (in ASCII mode) and open it in your browser.  Once you have finished using pathto.asp, delete it; leaving it on the server poses a security risk.

NOTE for users who cannot have writeable files in their cgi-bin:  Edit the basic configuration paths to match your particular variables path (the same information you placed in the edited line in the cp.cgi and ultimatebb.cgi files).

After you have correctly submitted the basic configuration properly, you will be greeted with a confirmation screen.  Click the link that says “click here to register your administrator username.” 

10.   Create Admin Login

Fill in all of the data fields and click the submit button. Review your profile and make any changes needed.  Once you have finished setting up this profile, close that browser window to return to the control panel. Click the “continue” link.  Then click the "login" link.

Enter the username and password for the administrator you just created and click the "Verify Identity" button. Welcome to your new control panel.

Click the “continue installation” button.  A script will run automatically.  Wait until the script stops and tells you look at the instructions for further steps.  Click the “Control Panel Home” link.

11.   Configure Primary Settings

You must now review and configure all of the Primary Settings. Click the Primary Settings link.  Read, review, and set all of the Primary Settings carefully and in order, top to bottom, on all tabs.  On the main tab, we recommend that you click the Accelerator test link and determine whether you can run this efficiency-enhancing tool with your board.  If you pass the test, go ahead and check the checkbox to enable the Accelerator.  Finally, be sure you click the Email tab and double-check your board email addresses; the software will have “guessed” at an email for you, but you’ll need to tailor it to your specific needs.

12.   Congratulations!

Your board is now set up and functional. You can continue to navigate around the control panel, make forum settings changes, customize your Wordlet™ lists, and review the rest of the UBB.classic™ features, or you can visit your board by clicking the link in the upper left corner (your board’s name).

The URL for your new UBB.classic™ community is:

Where’s my Control Panel?

Once you have the UBB.classic™ software installed on your web server, open your browser and type in your .com address (or equivalent—we’re using “” below, just to show you how it would look).  At the end of the address, you’ll need to type in cp.cgi.  It will look like one of the following (depending on how your directories are set up):


The control panel will appear just like a web page, but with loads of pop-up/dropdown menus you can use to set up your community!


If you are having problems, or receiving any error messages at this point:


Upload and Open ubbclassic_test.cgi

Upload ubbclassic_test.cgi (located in the help directory of your zip file), in ASCII mode, to your cgi directory.  Open ubbclassic_test.cgi in your browser and run all of the tests. If you have questions about this test script, there is more documentation located in the help directory readme file.  There are some portions of the tests that can fail without consequences to your installation; if you receive failures and have still have problems with your board, you may wish to get help in our online forums or open a support ticket.

Once you have finished with the ubbclassic_test.cgi file, delete it; leaving it on the server poses a security risk.




Quickie Instructions for Advanced Users

1.       Upload in ASCII and run hello.cgi.

2.       Upload in ASCII all cgi-bin files.

3.       Upload in ASCII Members Directory. You can place the Members directory above the web root for extra security.

4.       Upload in ASCII Variables Folder Contents.

5.       Upload in binary non-cgi files except the Templates subdirectory.  (Upload ubbaccel_test.php and ultimatebb.php in ASCII.)

6.       Upload in ASCII Templates subdirectory and contents.

7.       Go to your UBB.classic control panel (  and run through path and settings screens.  You will get a confirmation screen.  Click on the link that says “click here to register….”

8.       Set up Admin Profile and return to the control panel. Enter the username and password for the administrator you just created and click the "Verify Identity" button. Click Continue.

9.       Configure Primary Settings. Read, review, and set all of the Primary Settings tabs.


Congratulations! Your board is now set up and functional. You can continue to navigate around the control panel, make forum settings changes, customize your Wordlet™ lists, and review the rest of the UBB.classic™ features, or you can visit your board by clicking the link in the upper left corner (your board’s name).


The URL for your new UBB.classic™ community is: