If you're like me, I pretty much customize the templates, much like I do with the styles by creating a new set. The problem is that unlike the styles where I can leave an original unmodified and can select back and forth as I change my styles, if I change one template code there is no way to revert back in the event of a screw up.

Current set up is; templates - default
These templates are editable in the current state.

My suggestion is: Set up the templates similar to the styles, in that we can create a new style, name it to (some name) then edit it. Then we can set the default style.

So what we end up with is a way to copy the original template set and name it (some name), then edit it to our likeing. Once done we can set it as our default (like styles), leaving the original in tact as a backup in case of a hicup.

As it is now, I edit my templates on my hard drive and keep a copy of the original, then upload replacing the default template set. If something hicups, I have to reupload the original set.

I hope what I am trying to get at is not confusing. Basically selectable templates just like selectable styles.