I have had this problem before with an earlier version. Email sent from CP is not always delivered, deepening on how you elect to send it. Here is, step by step, what I'm doing and the email is NOT being delivered, instead I get a failure message:

I try to send an email to a member or members as follows (I'll just use one member for this example).

1. I do a search for a specific member (Fred)
2. I click the checkbox under [Sel} next to Fred's name
3. I select Email from the "Actions" dropdown
4. I select the "Selected Members on this Page" radio option and click "Perform Selected Action"
5. On the next page I select "send mail directly to members" and click "Generate Emails"
6. I fill in the email form and enter a Default To: address of "members@mydomain.com" (that account does exist)
7. I do NOT check the box to send one at a time (although I have tried it both ways with the same result).
8. I click the "Send Emails" button
6. it then says email sent to "fred@somewhere.com."

(Note that it puts a period there on the end).

That email address is one of my email addressed (changed to a nonsensical email address for this discussion), but I don't receive the email. Instead, I get a failed delivery notification.

However, if, instead of checking "Selected Members on this Page" radio option in step 4, I choose "All Members in Search" then I do receive the email and when it says its sending the email, there is no period at the end of the email. Is anyone else having this problem when trying to send an email using the "Selected Members in Search" option? I know I've seen this problem before but thought it was resolved.
