
I renewed my license and installed version 7. I then imported my data from UBB.threads 6.5.5 using the importer from the member download area. I found it very straight forward.

Except for this problem: all of the 'non-English' characters (and some other characters like trademark symbols, some quotation marks etc.), turned into 'gibberish'. For example, my Korean forum title is like this: 歡迎使用 Ÿä»¶ï¼

When I do a mysqldump of my 6.5.5 forum and view the .sql in notepad++ everything looks good. I remember having a similar problem when I went from MySQL 4 to 5 and had to export and import the forum, but I'm not certain what the fix for that problem ended up being. I think I set something to 'latin' in the exported sql file.

Anyone know what's going on and how it can be fixed?
