thats not what i said at all.

you should have a recent backup, just incase something goes wrong. probably a backup from earlier this week or from the begining off the month or from after you installed the most recent update and everything was running perfectly. use the previously mentioned languages from the directories from that backup.

though, thats assuming that you already checked your current install and the directories were missing.

if the directories are there, and you really only just use "english," not "uk-english," you may have accidentally enabled that language (existing directory) in your control panel without checking if their were correct files actually within that dir.

"uk-english" is not one if the officially included stock language files. you might just be getting the error because youve installed a third party language pack for a much older version of UBB.threads... one that is not compatible with your current version.

Current developer of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software
Current Release: UBBT 7.7.5 // Preview: UBBT 8.0.0
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