Our forum has a worldwide audience. Some of our members are using 2400 baud modems, so we have a strict no posting policy for images. We tell our members to use image hosting sites and put a link in their post. (We allow avatars only for "staff", i.e. mods and admins)

Now the owner has asked me a question that I can't answer.
In reading through the members forum at the UBB site, it seems, with the 7.6.0 update, we might be able to do what we want to do finally... But let me bounce this off you to see if I'm understanding it correctly ...

UBB calls images "attachments"

It is possible to set the permissions to allow uploading "attachments" and even specifying permissions for groups of users as to which forums they can have permission to upload an attachment to

That thumbnails are generated for attachments.

That we can specify/limit file formats (say just to .jpg, .gif, .png for example and NOT allow .doc or .txt
I'm not even sure this is possible. I know I can limit attachments to specific forums, and I know I can create gallery forums where pictures can be posted, but I'm not clear on how to handle permissions. Could a create a new group for image posting? I think it would be best to do that to have the ability to ban someone who was abusive from posting images while not banning them from all the forums.

Pointers to docs are fine. Advice from anyone with experience doing this would be appreciated.

The Stovebolt Geek

Server Information
UBB.threads Version 7.7.5
Release 20201027
Server OS Linux
Server Load 0.16
Web Server Apache/2.4.6
PHP Version 7.4.33
MYSQL Version 5.7.43
Database Size 1.85 GB