Thanks Zaral but what about the fixed width / height that are in the original?
Would prefer not having fixed units like that. A lot more work but would be nice if the CSS could handle the IE limitations and allow auto for others like FireFox.
I add for .form-input a "width: 97%;" You can remove it if you like. Without this I enconuter some trouble with the layout. Sometimes the middle box is broaden and it is not alligned anymore with my header. This can be solved with this entry.
I just installed 7.2.1 on my site. When I first brought it up every other message in some of the forum was BLACK, couldn't see what was there, but if you click on it teh topic would come up. It would not go BLACK again. If fact some of the other returned to normal. I tried a "Mark all read" and that seemed to cure, But still some users are reporting it's still happening. Any ideas???
OH I think I know, you are talking about the tiled background image. there are around eight files that should have been uploaded to /styles/images/koniro/ The background image would be, /styles/images/koniro/bkg2.png If that is indeed where you uploaded the files then check to see if you uploaded them in ascii ,if you did the file is corrupt. Also I noticed some of the gradient images are not working. So it may be you uploaded them to the wrong location
Since we don't have a url to your site I can only guess what the full path should be.(Put it in your profile) I found your site by viewing one of your other posts.
Last edited by Ruben; 09/08/20093:51 PM. Reason: Added Comment
Blue Man Group There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers