I reworked my Koniro Style a little bit, fix some minor problems and renew the archive. The Box outline looks a little bit different in IE6 and Firefox but I'm not able to fix this. Its an IE problem.
I grabbed the style. It looks great for my site.(Still developing) One question, the Nav links at the bottom of the last post - "Previous Topic Index Next Topic" have a "On Focus" property that makes them change color, bu the almost disappear. When I looked at http://www.validusguild.com/forums they don't do it. What and where is it that I have to change so they don't do it on my site?
thats the main problem with this style. This is just a:link and cant be set separate. It is used anywhere and I have set it to a color that work in most plces but these navigation links are on background I wrote it in suggestions that I need a class for this to set it. I dont found a way in .css to solve this problem without a own class.
It seems he use an older version of my style and in this version I miss the a:link hover defination. You can just set it in the special link properties of the body defination in the style editor. Remove the hover settings or change it to what you like. You can remove the color string in the hover settings, thats should do it.
In short, the hard way is to import it, then use PHPMyAdmin and edit the new style, copy the new stuff, then put it in the old style; otherwise you'd have to delete it and then import the new one and users would have to update to the new one.
Or, I guess you could import, then edit the old one and use the "use settings from another stylesheet" option...
Or, if its your defautl stylesheet, you could just install the new copy then set the new copy as your default...
With new versions of threads being released we will only get more new versions of the same theme being released - so we really need an easy method to replace themes - unless there is and we do not realise it
If you do not somehow change the name of the stylesheet .css file the user's browser will not necessarily notice that the file is changed and request a new one.
What I'd do is make my file names a number, then when I update my css I'd increment the file name by one number. This changes the file and forces the browser to get a new one.
Should a piracy issue arise, I'm sure that piracy@infopop.com or piracy@groupee.com would love to hear about that should that be the case...
As for what can be distributed, AFAIK the only "stock" files allowed to be shared are the language files; anything else can only be "how to modify" files (hence why the modifications at ubbdev are just instructions and addon files vs actual files).
I'm more than sure however, that Zar wouldn't violate his licensing agreement since, as most of us, his forum is the heart of his site...
Any Problems? I cant follow right now. I put all ubb related files in one directory of my webspace. All files there are linked here in this board. Most of them are german translation for various versions and some styles, nothing else. All files are made by me. Is something wrong?
No - I think ntdoc thought they contained scripts & files, but they just contain language files, which are the only files we are allowed to release in full to anyone else, once translated.
Thanks Zaral but what about the fixed width / height that are in the original?
Would prefer not having fixed units like that. A lot more work but would be nice if the CSS could handle the IE limitations and allow auto for others like FireFox.
I add for .form-input a "width: 97%;" You can remove it if you like. Without this I enconuter some trouble with the layout. Sometimes the middle box is broaden and it is not alligned anymore with my header. This can be solved with this entry.
I just installed 7.2.1 on my site. When I first brought it up every other message in some of the forum was BLACK, couldn't see what was there, but if you click on it teh topic would come up. It would not go BLACK again. If fact some of the other returned to normal. I tried a "Mark all read" and that seemed to cure, But still some users are reporting it's still happening. Any ideas???
OH I think I know, you are talking about the tiled background image. there are around eight files that should have been uploaded to /styles/images/koniro/ The background image would be, /styles/images/koniro/bkg2.png If that is indeed where you uploaded the files then check to see if you uploaded them in ascii ,if you did the file is corrupt. Also I noticed some of the gradient images are not working. So it may be you uploaded them to the wrong location
Since we don't have a url to your site I can only guess what the full path should be.(Put it in your profile) I found your site by viewing one of your other posts.
Last edited by Ruben; 09/08/20093:51 PM. Reason: Added Comment
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