Nothing major Gizzy. I put everything into language files, and then the filter on Active Topics, instead of showing nothing it will just say "Spoiler Content"
Nothing major Gizzy. I put everything into language files, and then the filter on Active Topics, instead of showing nothing it will just say "Spoiler Content"
Yep, it will start out a bit basic, but we'll add to it over time. Here's a couple screengrabs. First showing the list of gallery images, second showing an individual gallery image.
We've been using a Photo-Album (I think called "Album-PL") that I don't think exists anymore - and I believe it's Perl. We've been looking at other Photo-Albums just lately, because ours is old and out-of-date. But I'll stop looking now, and just wait for the next UBB! Thanks.
Mark, the image storage location will depend on if safe_mode is enabled or not. If safe_mode is enabled then the images will all go into a gallery/default folder, since php won't be able to create new folders.
If safe_mode isn't enabled, then there will be subdirectories created under the gallery folder. The subdirectory will be the forum id.
Under that there are 3 more subdirectories, full/medium/thumbs to store the fullsize, mediumsize, and thumbnail images.
So the directory structure with safe_mode disabled would look something like:
To make it easier to setup right now it's hardcoded to be underneath the ubbthreads directory. When I work on it more I'll try and add more flexibility in where things can be stored.
To make it easier to setup right now it's hardcoded to be underneath the ubbthreads directory. When I work on it more I'll try and add more flexibility in where things can be stored.
Uploads Bare with me on this one, the default upload folder allows you to set a path and url. Now i have noticed from moving domains, that if the folder containing the images is moved to a new location, and the path and url's are updated, then all works as expected.
Or if you change the path and the url in the CP of the default images go off line, so this location must be generated on the fly so to speak.
New Gallery Will i also be able to do as mentioned above to the new gallery when you impliment a path and url option?
I dont want to loose hundreds of images if the path and url to the location is updated / moved?
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I think its important to be able to manage the bandwidth of your images separate to the running of the software. I already have a home made gallery of 17,000 images and ive been here before with a bill of $160 for one month of over quota. Its not as much as an issue now for me with a new host etc, but shared hosting accounts may struggle, as i did a few years ago.
Feedback from a poor man lol..
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Q : My Question. If i use the default paths will i be able to move them down the line, as you say when you work on them more. Like i could with the avatars and then default attachment up loader. I need to know this to decide to turn the feature on or not.
Thanks.. I do like the look of the new gallery
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
BTW, you should be able to change paths with no problems down the line; I'm sure rick willhave it workjust like the upload systems we presantly have, where it'd be as simple as updating the field to the "new" path/url
Yes, it will carry over fine. The URL is generated on the fly. You'd probably need to do an htaccess rewrite rule however for anyone that actually links direcly to the pictures, so it goes to the new location.
The main reason right now it's a set directory structure is to accomodate safe_mode, since it's not just a matter of creating a single directory as it is with the avatars and file uploads, it needs the directory structure that I mentioned earlier.
Some of my users are really looking forward to the gallery...I use Photopost but only for site content now. Anything personal will go on the Ubb gallery.
Unfortunately, that'll have to wait for 7.3 as I need add some new functions to make it so these can be easily added. Right now they are hardcoded to 10 in a variety of places so couldn't easily get this added in time.
That should be the end of the additions Mark I'm now doing a bunch of test installs/upgrades, including the upgrade of my personal site, to make sure things go ok and tracking down any obvious bugs before the private testers get their hands on it next week.
That should be the end of the additions Mark I'm now doing a bunch of test installs/upgrades, including the upgrade of my personal site, to make sure things go ok and tracking down any obvious bugs before the private testers get their hands on it next week.
I do have my personal site updated, , for anyone that wants to take a peek. Will be working on a few things over the weekend, so don't worry about posting any bugs you might find
Nice start Rick.. I was trying to look for the image gallery interface ? Is it available yet or does this just format pictures you have uploaded to the forums ?