Just to clarify
I believe the staff that are active here don't work on UBB threads but the developer pops in from time to time.
Isaac and I are the only developers on the project, and we both have day jobs (we're contractors, we are not employees by UBBSystems); progression of code here is done in our spare time away from our day jobs and family (not to mention any contract payment is only done on a full version completion), hence the lul in development at times.
The owner of the product stops in from time to time but generally checks backend support tickets through the support desk.
Private development is available through
VNC Web Services if one needed additional features built into the software.
As always I've been here supporting the product since the 90's, out of respect for the community that got me interested in coding. This is done for free to the community on these user to user forums. Additional modification support is also available at the
UBBDev community which also hosts articles, modifications, images, and tutorials also free of charge.