i did the two help test ok, but the ubb_test.cgi came up with this,

It looks like there was an error:
Your script produced this error: Can't locate File/Basename.pm in @INC (@INC contains: .) at ./ubb_test.cgi line 53. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ubb_test.cgi line 53.
looked for this file in the ubb .zip and was not there.

i noticed a post about /bin dir, i put both hello.cgi and hello.pl in the cgi-bin,
working with unix server at tripod.
dont know about the perl working or not in the cgi-bin, and if do make a bin dir, will the server suport it?
it seemed to work on the test. http://members.tripod.com/roandoakofgod/cgi-bin/hello.cgi
ubb_test.cgi are there now also, but have not uploaded any others, as i was following the test instrutions, in the helpreadme.txt