I've just tried to add the doctype tag, and many things were aligned to center.

Fixes to what I saw so far:

<tr bgcolor="$alt_color" align="left">
<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{$thiscolor}"><td align="left">
<font face="$vars_style{FontFace}" size="$vars_style{TextSize}">$short->{'trigger'}
<td align="left"><font face="$vars_style{FontFace}" size="$vars_style{TextSize}">$short->{'text'}
<td align="left"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/$short->{'image'}" border="0" alt="$short->{'text'}" /></td></tr>

} #endforeach

foreach my $item (sort keys %{$vars_graemlins->{'graems'}}) {
my $thiscolor;
my $short = %$vars_graemlins->{'graems'}->{$item};
$thiscolor = "AltColumnColor1" if ($count % 2 == 1);
$thiscolor = "AltColumnColor2" if ($count % 2 != 1);

$body .= qq(

<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{$thiscolor}"><td align="left">
<font face="$vars_style{FontFace}" size="$vars_style{TextSize}">:$short->{'trigger'}:
<td align="left"><font face="$vars_style{FontFace}" size="$vars_style{TextSize}">$short->{'text'}
<td align="left"><img src="$vars_config{NonCGIURL}/graemlins/$short->{'image'}" border="0" alt="$short->{'text'}" /></td></tr>
public_ubb_code_page.pl: replace <td with <td align="left" unless there already is align="something" in that tag. Also follow validator.w3.org's directions [for example use $trade instead of &#153;)

[This message was edited by Charles Capps on November 05, 2002 at 09:50 AM.]