An older thread on the subject

I can't believe we still have this problem. I had two users complain to me about it today.

Can't we put our heads together and come up with a way to fix this?

How about using something a little less common for the signature line? 90% of people use a line of dashes if they want a line in their posts. There are probably hundreds of posts on my site that cannot be edited correctly due to the innocent addition of a line of 20 dashes.

Something like "====================" wouldn't totally solve the problem, but might cut down the number of complaints.

How about a special character like "-∞-∞-∞-"? This would really minimize the instances of this bug.

Perhaps there is a special character that could be inserted between each dash in a normal line, but would be invisible and look simply like the normal sig line. This would completely solve the problem as this would be the closest thing possible to a unique string that the code could look for.

Or is this bug unfixable?

[This message was edited by Charles Capps on February 25, 2003 at 03:47 PM.]