Ok the thing was working fine before. I wen tot go use it and got an error:

Variable file not found! Please open the UBB control panel to rebuild the necessary file.

» Please use your browser's back button to return.
Ok so I go into the control panel and try to rebuild the forum stats. well that did not work I got.

Could not find an A-line followed by a Z-line.This thread appears to have been corrupted, and should be deleted: Forum 1, Topic 000172 (View)Please contact the board administration.

An error has occured:

Wasn't passed a valid A line:
q~00000013~, q~1~, ], at /home/terrygoo/public_html/cgi-bin/ubb_lib_files.cgi line 369.
So I have no idea what the problem is. Like I said. All was working before.

here is a link to my board.

Prophet's Inc

also just noticed a few threads are screwed up. I have a thread in a forum that is a ton of plank pages, then the last page is part of a thread from a different forum!

[This message was edited by Charles Capps on September 05, 2002 at 03:13 PM.]