I just upgraded my ubb to 6.4 beta and noticed something weird about a content island I created using my customized "standard" template...

page background: #FFFFFF
text color: #2F1FC5
link color: #FF0000
alink color: #808080
vlink color: #2AA83C
First alternating table: #f7f7f7
second alternating table: #dedfdf
table header strip text color: #FFFFFF
table header strip background color: #000000

the colors I just listed made my content island come in with alternating lines of white text (unreadable) on white background and blue text on a light grey background.

not sure If I'm doing something wrong here or what.

looks good otherwise at the moment.


a. j. rosales

[This message was edited by Charles Capps on December 18, 2002 at 08:27 AM.]