I'm not sure how to check - what do I need to look at?

Just for refference, this morning the stats are:

Urchin .cgi pageviews 7,738
Pageviews (04/2004): 29054
Cache hit percentage: 37.13%

Urchin .cgi pagerviews 6,984
Pageviews (04/2004): 24592
Cache hit percentage: 36.81%

Difference in one day:

Urchin .cgi calls 754
Control Panel Pageviews 4462

Obviously Urchin isn't tracking all the true pageviews, only .cgi calls.

What's next? Thanks for the help BTW - I want to get this nailed, or at least understand it better.

One thing I notice that's pretty obvious this version to my last is the number of guests reported. I used to have about 2x as many guests reported as Registered - as soon as I upgraded, I have about equal as many guests on as registered. I have not had any kind of surge in registrations either, it started right after the upgrade.

I also notice, in admin view, that guests are not being tracked inside threads - ONLY Forum Summary is tracked. Normal users are displaying correctly, wherever they view, as far as I can tell. This would account for my extreme drop, as MANY of my outside links are directly into a thread, and guests may not go to the forum summary.