[:"blue"] Windows server 2003 I get thru most of the setup and then while creating data tables... [/]

Script: d:\Web\W\wwh86.com\ubbthreads\ubbt.inc.php
Line#: 522
SQL Error: Field 'O_Uid' doesn't have a default value
SQL Error #: 1364
Query: REPLACE INTO w3t_Online (O_Username,O_Last,O_What,O_Board,O_Read,O_Type,O_Extra) VALUES ('-ANON-','1151634652','createtable','','','a','')

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All these tables get created...

Creating the tables...
Board table created...
Posts table created...
Creating tables to store polls and results...
Last viewed table created...
Category table created...
Users table created...
User Notes table created...
Moderator table created...
Messages table created...
Banned table created...
Groups table createdBasic groups created...
Online table created...
Subscribe table created...
Creating table for the address book...
Creating the table to store favorites and reminders...
Creating the table to store posts that a moderator has been notified on...
Inserting a placeholder user for anonymous posts...

What gives????
