I found a bug in version 6.0.1. In the viewreminders.tmpl file. The page was generated in a wrong way, and I found the tmpl.file contains too much html code. I have removed
</table> [/] the red marked html codes in line 11,12 and 13. After this, the page was generated correctly.

<table width="{$theme['tablewidth']}" align="center" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="tablesurround">
<table cellpadding="{$theme['cellpadding']}" cellspacing="{$theme['cellspacing']}" width="100%" class="tableborders">
<td class="tdheader">
</table> [/]
<form method="post" action="{$config['phpurl']}/removefav.php">
This one is not a bug, but something i'd fixed on users requests.

On "my home" page its possible to see added favorite posts, ordered by F_numbers, but when you click on " view all", the favorite posts are ordered by lastpost. To fix that, open your viewreminders.php and find the lines:
$query = "
SELECT w3t_Favorites.F_Thread,w3t_Posts.B_Subject,w3t_Favorites.F_Number,w3t_Posts.B_Board,w3t_Favorites.F_LastPost,w3t_Posts.B_Username,w3t_Posts.B_Main
FROM w3t_Posts,w3t_Favorites
WHERE w3t_Favorites.F_Owner = '$username_q'
AND w3t_Favorites.F_Type = 'r'
AND w3t_Favorites.F_Thread = w3t_Posts.B_Number
[:"red"]ORDER BY w3t_Posts.B_Last_Post [/]
Then edit the last line in the query: [:"red"] ORDER BY w3t_Posts.B_Last_Post
[:"blue"] ORDER BY 'F_Number' [/]

The "view all" favoritelist will then be sorted in the same way as the favoritelist on "my home".

Custom Ubb 7.5.2