I wish, I wish, I *wish* we had gone with one standard set of Markup tags - in one lingua franca language just the way html is. In fact the way all code is.

Since I got the flagbar up to make switching back and forth between languages quick and easy, I've been working on properly internationalizing the Insert-Markup-Tag-with-1-click hack so that it is now fully functional whatever language you're using. All this has meant that I've quite often found myself posting test messages using a different language from the one I used when I set up my profile and it's exposed a problem with markup in the Signature which would affect multilingual people who regularly use several languages.

In a nutshell, I setup my sig in English using [ image ][ /image ] - now I write a message using the German language option. It's looking for [ Bild ] [ /Bild] so it doesn't recognize my tags and instead just prints out the whole thing as if it were text.

Bummer! If we *all* used the same tag this wouldn't happen.

<img src="http://www.amdragon.com/images/eileensig.gif" alt=" - " />