Ah, mea culpa! I'll change the instructions.

# You will already have one of the following lines. Uncomment the one that matches yours:

# print"< img alt=\"*\" src=\"$config{'images'}/greynewpost.gif\">"; #in Scream's
# print"< a href=\"$config{'cgiurl'}/login.pl\">< img alt=\"Please Login to post\" src=\"$config{'images'}/newpost.gif\" width=27 height=17 border=0>< /a>"; #in Ad-hoc login
print"< a href=\"javascript:popLogin['$config{'cgiurl'}/poplogin.pl?Cat=$Cat&Board=$Board&page=$page&view=$view&sb=$sb&Where=$Where','490','200')\">< img alt=\"Login \& Post\" src=\"$config{'images'}/newpost.gif\" width=27 height=17 border=0>< /a>"; #in InstantLogin-popup

<img src="http://www.amdragon.com/images/eileensig.gif" alt=" - " />