M/D/Y is total bollocks as you Brits would say but who am I to argue with 250 million Yanks. Maybe that can be next on the list after they finally get rid of fractions on the stock exchange.

Regarding BillD's original question, I used to display the time on the server in a little frame refreshing every couple of minutes. The script was called TimeIt, you can grab it from <A HREF="http://thecgipath.hypermart.net/products/s_timeit.html" target="_new">http://thecgipath.hypermart.net/products/s_timeit.html</A>. If you want to include the time in your perl script it would be easy to do by picking the important bits out of TimeIt and including it in the perl script. The number of different formats you can use to display time/date is the real benefit of TimeIt.

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