Ideally, I would like to provide users an option on how their textareas behave. Some of our users do not like the fact that when you type a post that is 4 lines (based on the size of their textarea) it gets posted as 1 long sentance.

For example....

as;dlkfjdasl;fkjsadf sdl;kjsd f;lksdjf s;dlkfj sdfl;ksjdf sdlkfjsad;flksajdf ;sdlakfjsd ;flksdjf;lksdajfsad ;lkfjsd f;lksdjf ;sdlkfjsd;lfkjsdaf;lksdjfsda;lkfjsd


as;dlkfjdasl;fkjsadf sdl;kjsd f;lksdjf s;dlkfj sdfl;ksjdf sdlkfjsad;flksajdf
;sdlakfjsd ;flksdjf;lksdajfsad ;lkfjsd f;lksdjf

I would prefer not to have a hard-coded limit set by the admin (me), but would rather have an option that can be set when you set the size of your textarea. Basically, I think this could be as simple as adding an option to have the textarea "wrap" either as off, soft/virtual, or hard/physical.

This would mean that if my textarea were 80 columns my posts would show up as 80 columns rather than run across the entire screen.

I hope this explains things a little better. Thanks again for all the help.
