
I recently got sucked into being the volunteer web admin for our racing group. With success on two UBB 5.x installs in the past, I convinced the group to pay for the UBB as an upgrade from a cheezy pub domain WWWboard. Now with installed, a lot of the 56K guys can't even access the board, and it's slower than balls for the rest of us. Some of the guys even want the old crap back. GAck.

I've spent a couple hours pouring over posts here regarding slowness and haven't found a silver bullet or even a nice FAQ of things to check/try. The server does not have PHP installed, and I really am not looking forward to waking up the hosting company from their perpetual slumber to install and configure it. UBB caching is enabled, but is there anything else I should check, set, configure, twist, etc? The server gives what I'd consider reasonable performance for other types of files, so I know that's not the bottleneck. Did we make a mistake in buying this 6.x UBB? Is it reasonable to expect all installs to have PHP installed and acceleration turned on? I can't help but feel a little snookered at this point.

It's a small group, so spending a lot of extra time/money/effort is hard to justify here. Any help is greatly appreciated.


up 53 days (with no improvement over time)
56 registered members
11462 page views this month

Thanks in advance,
jC. (aka ChrisAkers)