I believe I have finally tracked down the problem. The search function is causing the problem. The search index's are very very large, ie: up to 30Mb. for each forum!

For the time being I have turned off the search function until I figure out how to resolve this.

FYI, to troubleshoot this I used the Apache mod_status module and captured server-status output, with ExtendedStatus On, in a file through a cron script with the text based web browser 'lynx'. After analyzing the captured data around the time of the error messages I noticed that 3 searches were running at once. I tried this myself by running searches in 3 separate browser sessions on the largest index file and voila, I reproduced the problem.

This is the cron entry for anyone interested:

0-59 * * * * (TERM=vt100;export TERM;lynx -dump http://www.ibsgroup.org/server-status >> /tmp/status.log)

Any ideas how to resolve this other than pruning posts? I read that you've changed how indexing works in 6.2.2. Is this now scraped because 6.3 is on the way?

[This message was edited by ibsgroup on 03 Apr 02 at 09:27 AM.]