Ok, here's what worked for me...

Try going in to the Modules/Net and Modules/MIME sub-directories, and running the PERL packages from the command line. I bet you'll find at least one complains about something. (You'll have to run tham as "perl SMTP.pm" not just "./SMTP.pm")

When I ran Modules/Net/SMTP.pm I got:

Can't locate IO/Socket/INET.pm in @INC...

and when I ran Modiles/MIME/Lite.pm, I got:

Can't locate File/Spec/Unix.pm in @INC...

These errors indicate that the PERL packages are looking for other packages that are not installed, or are not in the include path.

In my case, they were in fact installed, but the permissions on the directories holding the referenced PERL modules was wrong. (700, should have been 755). So for example, my /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/File/Spec and /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.0/IO/Socket directories had the wrong permissions.

As soon as I corrected them, everything worked fine.

Hopefully this helps some of the others out there.

If you find different errors when you run your cgi-bin/Modiles/* packages, post them here, and we'll see if we can help out.
