thanks guys... i really appreciate the help! (for whatever silly reason, whenever my boards gotta problem, it becomes all encompassing in my life! <img src="" alt="" /> )

alien, to answer your question, when i uploaded the clean stuff, i did NOT upload clean member info, but only because none of my hacks directly affected profiles n'such. (no avatars, no extra lines, no status, etc, etc).

and, yeah, i do have the back up file... i was just hopin to avoid it, as, this little login glitch (all be it pretty big) appears to be the only problem im having.

i registered under a new name, and was able to post fine. only aesthetics appear to be a "big" problem at this point, but, thats not anything i cant fix with a few late hours put in tonight <img src="" alt="" />

however, this login thing bugs me, cuz, i dont really see any reason for it. again, its only those gray buttons that gimme the problems. even more confusing, when i view the page's source code, thru netscape or IE, it appears as if the code for the button is correct, and should, in fact, work.

is there any way i could just edit the ultimatebb.cgi code, for now, just t'get past this thing? ...and... if so, where bouts? (wordlets confuse me <img src="" alt="" /> )

thanks again!