I installed version 6.3.0 just recently and everything is working great except the avatars. Every time I go to look at someone's profile from the Control Panel, I get a Javascript error on this line of code:
function launch_avatar_window () {
var avatar_popup_width = ;
var avatar_popup_height = ;
var Avatarselection = escape(document.PROFILE.avurl.value);
var avatar_selector_page = 'http://www.chris-n-kristi.com/msgboard/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=avatar_select;cp=cp';
var selector = window.open(avatar_selector_page + ';avatar_url=' + Avatarselection,'selector','scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=' + avatar_popup_width + ',height=' + avatar_popup_height + ',screenX=50,screenY=50,top=50,left=50');
} // end function
// -->

I'm pretty sure the problem is these two lines:

var avatar_popup_width = ;
var avatar_popup_height = ;

Being that they don't have a number assigned to those 2 variables. My problem is I can't find anywhere where this piece of script is actually located to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Chris B.

Chris B.