I set my UBB board to be spider friendly a while ago. I know the site has been crawled several times since then, but only a couple of posts seem to be picked up.

for instance, the word "posted" appears over 300 times in the forum. but when I do a google domain search for the word "posted" for the domain www.foodforyourblood.com, I only get 4 posts from the forum.

in contrast, when I do a site search for "posted" on this website, I get over 12000 of posts:

Do I need to do something else like reindex or something before this will make the whole forum search friendly? This was the main reason the owner upgraded.. and it doesn't seem to be working. ?? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

the forum:

click the forum button on the left or go directly to the forum here:


Thanks for any help you can give me.