Previously there was a bug that made calendar entries disappear if the corresponding topic was edited - something which frequently happens on our forums.

However, I am now 100% sure it is not only topic edits that cause entries to disappear. I think adding postings to the same thread does the same.

This morning, I noticed that an entry on the 17th of October had disappeared after what I thought to be an edit. I re-edited the posting, re-selected the calendar box and re-selected the date. The entry appeared on the calendar again (after a 5 minute cache delay). This happened at 3:40 AM.

However, this morning said entry had once more disappeared from the calendar, after several replies to said topic had been posted. However, the topic itself still read: [Edited by Yomar at 3:40 AM], i.e. the same edit that originally caused the calendar entry to re-appear.

I also know that calendar entries from inactive topics (one-time postings no one replies to, which we also use) do not disappear.

Rick, I believe something very funny is going on with calendar entries, and that the problems are not only caused by edits, but by topic activity in general, whatever that activity is.

I have mentioned this before, but at that time you thought only the edits were responsible. Since that explained all problems I had encountered until then but one case, I imagined the one remaining case was due to some kind of glitch.

However, this is the second time this happens while no one has edited said thread. So I'm 100% sure now there is more to this.

Last edited by Rick; 10/15/2006 11:22 AM.