I discovered one topic that I can read, however, when I reply to it I receive the following error message:

Script: /home/virtual/site5/fst/var/www/html/forums/scripts/addpost.inc.php
Line#: 760
SQL Error: Can't find file: 'ubbt_TOPIC_VIEWS.MYD' (errno: 2)
SQL Error #: 1017
Query: select count(*),TOPIC_ID from ubbt_TOPIC_VIEWS group by TOPIC_ID
The strange thing though is that when I hit my back button, I can see the new post, but, so far, this only works in this one topic, which, so far, is the only topic I can view.

I do hope somebody will be able to tell me exactly what to do in relation to this missing ubbt_TOPIC_VIEWS.MYD file, which seems to be causing the whole mess.