I know this probably isn't exactly a bug (and I've submitted it as a suggestion), but my members have complained about this as a loss of function from UBB.classic.

I've added it by these changes starting around line 2549 of libs/ubbthreads.inc.php:
PHP Code
// Topics or Posts?
if ($feed_type == "topics") {
   $order = "TOPIC_CREATED_TIME desc";
   $t1clause .= " and t1.USER_ID = t3.USER_ID";
} else {
   $order = "TOPIC_LAST_REPLY_TIME desc";
   $t1clause .= " and t2.USER_ID = t3.USER_ID";
} // end if

if (!$feed_include_body) {
   $query = "
	  from {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}TOPICS as t1,
	  {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}POSTS as t2,
	  {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}USERS as t3
	  where TOPIC_IS_APPROVED = '1'
	  ORDER BY t1.$order
	  limit $feed_items
} else {
   $query = "
	  from {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}TOPICS as t1,
	  {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}POSTS as t2,
	  {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}USERS as t3
	  where t1.TOPIC_LAST_POST_ID = t2.POST_ID
	  and t2.POST_IS_APPROVED = '1'
	  ORDER BY t1.$order
	  limit $feed_items
and starting around line 15 of templates/default/rss_xml.tpl:
<![CDATA[<b>Posted by</b> {$items[item].TOPIC_LAST_POSTER_NAME}:


I realize this is a big change (and possible performance hit) but I didn't see another way to get the actual author of the post in question (rather than just the author of the last post). And probably the two queries could just be made one, if this was going to be done.

Last edited by Rick; 11/13/2006 2:55 PM.