Today i needed some extra space for a banner on my dosearch page, where the default shown posts is 25, which I wanted to increase to 30. I coudnt find anything in the admin menu and at last I opened dosearch.php and found the code:
// Figure  out if we link to showflat or showthreaded
   $mode = $user['U_Display'];
   if (!$mode) {
      $mode = $theme['postlist'];
   $linker = "show$mode";

   if ($Searchpage < 0) {
      $html -> not_right($ubbt_lang['NO_MORE'],$Cat);
   if (!$Match) { $Match = "Or"; }
   if (!$Searchpage) { $Searchpage = 0; }
   if (!$Limit) { $Limit = 25;}

I changed the $Limit value to 30, but that didnt help. Then I edited the line to:
if ($Limit) { $Limit = 30;}
and that solved the problem, but I still wonder where $Limit is set?

Custom Ubb 7.5.2