Top and ps just simply shows httpd, it doesn't show the page being accessed. If I access the /server-status page for the server, it simply shows ubbthreads.php.

I understand that old 6.5.x versions had an exploit available. I don't believe I am affected by this. I can't find any cause for it. No extraneous user accounts, all ports can be accounted for via netstat, no hidden files or processes that I can find.

Here's my current load without shoutbox:

22:57:55  up 110 days,  7:54,  3 users,  load average: 1.40, 1.72, 1.85

I just turned on the shoutbox and here's the load:

23:04:42  up 110 days,  8:01,  3 users,  load average: 3.02, 2.41, 2.08

23:08:23  up 110 days,  8:05,  3 users,  load average: 3.15, 2.68, 2.25

What I also don't get is that CPU, memory, and IO usage seem low enough that the load reporting shouldn't be this high. It's not touching swap.

88 processes: 87 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  cpu    user    nice  system    irq  softirq  iowait    idle
           total   45.8%    0.0%    4.1%   0.3%     0.4%    0.0%   49.1%
           cpu00   44.7%    0.0%    3.1%   0.0%     0.1%    0.0%   51.8%
           cpu01   46.9%    0.0%    5.1%   0.7%     0.7%    0.0%   46.3%
Mem:  1538872k av, 1380464k used,  158408k free,       0k shrd,  121344k buff
                    771500k actv,  166136k in_d,   24252k in_c
Swap: 1156660k av,       0k used, 1156660k free                  812496k cached

I have 230 people online viewing the forums right now. Pretty normal traffic with about a high of 300-325 maybe during the day.

I think there's too much of a coincidence.