Wait, scratch that; it'd seem it does come with an alternative php AND ssh tunnel, as well as support for SSL which could be kinda fun if your server supports SSL wink...

So it is comparable with SQLYog, thoughI'm not sue if it offers the advanced features that 99% of users would never touch wink...

*Edit 1*
Just found another thing I don't like about Navicat, when you open a table it shows ALL data, versus only calling like 20 rows and asking if you want to see more... I'm sure theres a setting somewhere, but wow thats a lot of data loading up my forum posts table lol...

*Edit 2*
Ahh here it is, conveniently hidden in the table options page... I think 1000 records at once is a bit more than what anyone would need by default lol...

After fiddling with it a smidge it's not too shabby, they should make options a bit easier to work with (as in on the table display page vs hidden in a ton of options) but it can do what it's supposed to do... Although I refuse to buy software and it's tag (you're looking at $100+) is a bit more than I care to flush down the toilet wink... At least SQLYog is somewat affordable in comparison ($27 single user)

Last edited by Gizmo; 01/15/2007 1:47 AM.

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