<td class="{$style_side}tdheader">
<td class="{$style_side}alt-1">
{$registered} {$lang.ONLINE_REGISTERED}

{if $registered}
({section name=user loop=$users}
<a href="{$config.BASE_URL}/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showprofile&amp;User={$users[user].uid}">{$users[user].name}</a>{if $smarty.section.user.total > $smarty.section.user.rownum}, {/if}
{if $invisible}{if $users}, {/if}{$invisible} {$lang.INVISIBLE}{/if}

{$lang.WORD_AND} {$anonymous} {$lang.ONLINE_ANON}
<br />
<div class="small" align="right">
<a href="{$config.BASE_URL}/ubbthreads.php?ubb=online">{$lang.DETAILS}</a>

I tried to add this to my showflat.pl template and nothing shows up. Can someone please help on what code I need to add to my template to show the "who is online" above the forum list intead of the "lef/right".

Also, how do I get the total number of people broswing (guest+registered users)

Thank You.