I have a number of final questions before taking the plunge and upgrading our classic 6.7.2 with about 200,000 posts to the new threads. I do need to know the answers to my questions before making the final decision and so if anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Here goes:

The $149 "upgrade" - is that just install or is that importing things as well?

We have had trouble in the past with people registering and them instantly abusing the PM feature. So we set it so that when we approve them we do not allow them access to PMs. When we notice they are ok, we manually give them PM access. I could not see a place where we can turn PMs on and off for each individual user on the control panel. Are we able to do that or is it "on for all or off for all"?

When I go to the main page it goes to the "portal". I like the idea of that portal for new users, but I think heavy users will not want to visit that page much. I would prefer people be go to http://..../ubb/cfrm (which is the main "forums list" page, right?) automatically rather than the portal page - but still be able to view the portal if they wanted. Am I right in thinking that the way round this would be to have it so that when people go to our forums we make it so they just get directed http://..../ubb/cfrm ? If you could shed some light on that for me please.

Our current board is located at URL for the forums is www.domainname.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi.
I'd like to keep that URL (www.domainname.com) if possible for the "new" threads forums. (There is no other content on the domain name other than the forums).

How would that work in setting up etc? Is it possible to have it so that the main forums page is http://www.domainname.com/ubb/cfrm

I suppose what I want to know along with this is is there a necessary structure? ie for this board it seems to be /forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/cfrm? or can we have something simpler?

It might be worth mentioning that I intend on setting up the new threads on the domain and then playing around with the settings and everything before importing from classic.


Many thanks for any help in my understanding this!