I recently assisted someone in upgrading their forums from 6.1.1 to 6.5.5 then to 7.0.2. We've implemented the redirect scripts. The scripts are identical up to the "do not edit" section, and Search friendly URL's are off (IIS).

When using an old thread link for showflat, the scripts properly redirect the browser to the correct post in flat mode. However, showthreaded does not work properly, and yields:

We cannot proceed.
There was a problem looking up this post in our database.

Please use your back button to return to the previous page.


Threaded (broken): http://www.equipped.org/ubbthreads/...page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=

Flat (works): http://www.equipped.org/ubbthreads/...page=0&view=expanded&sb=5&o=

Could this be because the URL's are from 6.1.1 and use forum names rather than forum numbers?